Concentration Kit

Rs. 649.00 Sale Save

Achieve enhanced clarity and sharpened focus with our Focus & Concentration Kit, designed to alleviate fear and anxiety while honing your attention and minimizing distractions.

The Tumbled Stone Kit includes crystal tumbles accompanied by a leaflet detailing each crystal's name and purpose, ensuring clarity on their benefits whether for yourself or as a thoughtful gift. Here’s how each crystal supports focus and concentration:

  • Amethyst relieves emotional, physical, and psychological stress allowing one to enhance instincts and psychic powers of all kinds.

  • Lapis Lazuli is known to promote clarity in thoughts. It helps you stand your ground and have an uncomplicated flow of communication.

  • Clear quartz channels universal energy to stimulate the Crown Chakra, facilitating enlightenment of the mind. It also harmonizes all the other chakras

Place these crystals in your home or workplace to align with your goals, creating an environment conducive to clear thinking, improved focus, and heightened concentration.

They work by interacting with the body's energy field, promoting balance, harmony, and well-being.

These crystals can be used by anyone and are not dependant on Rashi/Zodiac sign/Birth date.

To choose the right one, consider the benefits you want to receive and the specific healing properties of the crystals. Select the one that feels right for you.

Set Intentions: Decide your purpose—meditation, healing, or energy work.

Prepare Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space for your practice, cleanse the space by burning a sage sticks.

Meditation: Hold stones in hand, focus on breath and intentions.

Affirmations: Recite positive affirmations while holding stones.

Conclude: Thank the stones for their energy. Cleanse or recharge stones as needed.

Reflect: Take a moment to reflect on your experience and any insights gained.

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Crystal Charging Selenite Plate

Selenite serves as a versatile tool for energetic cleansing, charging crystals, amplification of intention, and protection. Its purifying properties remove negativity from spaces, objects, and auras while promoting mental clarity and tranquility. It enhances energy, strengthens intentions, and fosters spiritual connections, making it ideal for meditation and restful sleep. Additionally, selenite is used to recharge crystals, highlighting its role in maintaining the energy of healing stones. With its ethereal beauty and protective qualities, selenite adds both aesthetic appeal and a shield against unwanted energies.

Cleanse Your Home Sage Sticks

Crafted from natural Salvia officinalis herbs. These chemical-free sticks effectively eliminate negativity from your space while boasting antimicrobial properties to keep your environment clean and purified. They also remove negative ions from the air, promoting peace and harmony. Enjoy the uplifting fragrance, improved sleep, reduced stress, and enhanced positivity by incorporating our Sage Sticks into your daily routine.

Cleanse Your Home Sage Sticks - WorldOfOorja

Crystal consultation

Not sure what is the right crystal for you?
Consult our in-house crystal expert for guidance on your healing crystals. A personal one-on-one session that helps you figure out where you need to start your healing journey and the path to embrace.

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